Hyperphysical Spaces

Solarpunk is a cultural and artistic movement that envisions a sustainable and positive future. It envisions a world where technology is used to protect the environment and promote the well-being of all living beings.
In exploring the concept of Solarpunk, I drew on the connection between inner ecology and the Solarpunk movement in this project to promote positive social change. It's about how personal self-discovery and self-love can serve as the foundation for a sustainable and community-oriented future.

The first step was to be inspired by the Wirkstatt Auboden and the principles of inner ecology (EMOHA). Deeper research led to the realization that spiritual themes such as altruism and compassion are relevant in the Solarpunk context.

The central question of the project was: "Don't people first have to find and love themselves before solarpunk can be implemented in society?" This gave rise to the follow-up question: "How can people find and love themselves?" This led to personal reflections and a focus on the connection to nature.

Using recording equipment, 360-degree videos and audio recordings were made in the forest. The attempt to present these nature experiences virtually led to the realization that real emotions are difficult to digitize. It was therefore decided to present the forest experience in a personal and emotional way.

Technical experiments with TouchDesigner and Ableton Live were used to create visual and audio-reactive elements that were brought together in an immersive VR experience. Natural elements were added to the exhibition to appeal to visitors' senses and provide a holistic experience.

The exhibition space was designed to complement the virtual experience with haptic and olfactory stimuli. This was intended to offer visitors a comprehensive and inviting experience that reflects the connection to nature.

Year 2023
Tags VR, Solarpunk