
For the summer exhibition of NDSM FUSE called TIJDGEEST EN SPOOKBEELDEN my group and I where tasked to create an immersive space with projections and sensors, fitting the overall theme of the expo.

When you enter the installation you'll find a control panel in the middle of the room, offering you the opportunity to shape the environment around you to your liking. With a simple touch, you hold the power to alter the very fabric of this space - from the sounds that envelop you to the visual elements that surround you. This control panel symbolizes the immense power we possess to effect change, emphasizing the age-old adage that with great power comes great responsibility.

As you navigate through this transformative experience, you are encouraged to reflect on the significance of your choices and the ripple effects they may create and how you want to leave the world ehind.

My contribution to the project:
Ideation, Concepting, Prototyping (Projection, Arduino, Visuals), Arduino Touch Sensor, Building (Walls, Light Ball, Stand), Building & Wiring Installation