
The current NFT market is all about making money — fast! To steer against this unhealthy trend, we wanted to create a socially impactful NFT and laid the focus on the collaborative aspect of sharing and receiving thoughts. 

Conhashen is a collaborative art Web3 page, which allows people to turn their thoughts into a flower and capture it in a NFT. On the website it is possible to write down one's thoughts, no matter if it's of positive or negative nature. This thought is then converted into a hash seed that is used to generate a unique flower.

To show the users that they are not alone, this flower is planted in a collective NFT flower meadow. This collaborative work can be visited on the website. Individual flower owners can also share it with other people and indirectly send them a message.

To the website

Year 2022
Team Julian Birrer, Moritz Züst
Contribution Ideation, Branding, (Web-) Design, Webdevelopment Frontend